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We have helped hundreds of people who are in a similar situation to you fight their WA DUI charges.
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Following are some Press items related to Geoffrey Burg and Jason Lantz and their involvement in Washington DUI issues.
*Panel of Seattle judges suppresses blood evidence due to meth contamination at Patrol lab Seattle Times: Jason Lantz comments on the methamphetamine contamination at the Washington State Patrol Toxciology Laboratory and how it affects DUI cases.
* The Conversation - Is Washington Too Soft On DUI Cases?
KUOW Radio Program: Guest Geoffrey Burg, Washington DUI Attorney.
Hundreds of DUIs Put In Doubt: Technicians Didn't Follow Rules In Checking Breath-Test Machines.
* Hundreds of DUIs Put In Doubt: Technicians Didn't Follow Rules In Checking Breath-Test Machines.-
This article explains Geoff's part in an important King County "Breath Test" court ruling. Published in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer by Tracy Johnson
* Charges Against Recruiter Dropped
Seattle Times Snohomish County Bureau.
* Bar and Driver
Stranger: Attorneys amass big money to oust judges they dislike. This is a story about a political action committee called Citizens for Judicial Excellence that Geoff and Patricia were founding members of. The goal of the PAC was to seek the best judges and get rid of the lowest rated judges. In our first election cycle 4 out of our 5 endorsed candidates won. It has been a huge improvement for the bench in King County.
* Students and the Law
West Seattle Blog - Know the consequences before you act. This was based on a presentation the Geoff and Patricia gave at Chief Sealth high school.