Boating Laws for Seattle Seafair BUI

(206) 467-3190
Burg & Lantz: WA DUI Defense
Burg & Lantz: WA DUI Defense

Give Us A Call: 206-467-3190

We have helped hundreds of people who are in a similar situation to you fight their WA BUI charges.
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Seattle Seafair Boating Laws

Many people see this site only after Seafair. 

If you are on this page, you most likely were stopped by one of the patrol boats and brought to a mobile breath test unit on Mercer Island and released. 

We deal with these cases every year.  In past years they have required that you attend court in King County District Court, Northeast Division, which is in Redmond.  It may be several months before you have to appear in court.

Seafair Laws:

  • Seafair has its own regulations.
  • Failure to strictly follow these rules can lead to a stop by law enforcement.
  • These stops can be challenged in court.

In the past, we have found that we have been successful in negotiating these cases, particularly with clients who have no, or minimal, criminal history.

Because this is a BUI and not a DUI, the court process is slightly different.  The first appearance, can be waived if you have a private attorney.  This means that you would not need to go to the first court appearance. 

We, as your attorney, would then get your police report and negotiate with the prosecuting attorney to try and get the appropriate result for your case - whether that be a dismissal, reduction to a civil infraction, or setting the case for trial to get a not guilty verdict from a judge or jury. 

In the past, we have been able to fairly resolve all of our cases without having to go to jury trial, however, we are prepared to do that if necessary.

There are federal laws specifically in place that have been designed with Seafair in mind.  Here they are:

33 CFR § 100.1301 Seattle Seafair unlimited hydroplane race.

(a) This section is in effect annually during the last week in July and  the first two weeks of August from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight  Time, as published in the Local Notice of Mariners. The event will be  one week or less in duration. The specific dates during this time frame  will be published in the Local Notice to Mariners.

(b) The area where the Coast Guard will restrict general navigation by  this regulation during the hours it is in effect is: The waters of Lake  Washington bounded by the Interstate 90 (Mercer Island /Lacey V. Murrow)  Bridge, the western shore of Lake Washington, and the east/west line  drawn tangent to Bailey Peninsula and along the shoreline of Mercer  Island.

(c) The area described in paragraph (b) of this section has been divided  into two zones. The zones are separated by a line perpendicular from  the I-90 Bridge to the northwest corner of the East log boom and a line  extending from the southeast corner of the East log boom to the southeast corner of the hydroplane race course and then to the  northerly tip of Ohlers Island in Andrews Bay. The western zone is  designated Zone I, the eastern zone, Zone II. (Refer to NOAA Chart  18447).

(d) The Coast Guard will maintain a patrol consisting of Coast Guard  vessels, assisted by Auxiliary Coast Guard vessels, in Zone II. The  Coast Guard patrol of this area is under the direction of the Coast  Guard Patrol Commander (the ''Patrol Commander''). The Patrol Commander  is empowered to control the movement of vessels on the racecourse and in  the adjoining waters during the periods this regulation is in effect.  The Patrol Commander may be assisted by other federal, state and local  law enforcement agencies.

(e) Only authorized vessels may be allowed to enter Zone I during the  hours this regulation is in effect. Vessels in the vicinity of Zone I  shall maneuver and anchor as directed by Coast Guard Officers or Petty Officers.

(f) During the times in which the regulation is in effect, swimming,  wading, or otherwise entering the water in Zone I by any person is  prohibited while hydroplane boats are on the racecourse. At other times  in Zone I, any person entering the water from the shoreline shall remain  west of the swim line, denoted by buoys, and any person entering the  water from the log boom shall remain within ten (10) feet of the log  boom.

(g) During the times in which the regulation is in effect, any person  swimming or otherwise entering the water in Zone II shall remain within  ten (10) feet of a vessel.

(h) During the times this regulation is in effect, rafting to a log boom will be limited to groups of three vessels.

(i) During the times this regulation is in effect, up to six (6) vessels  may raft together in Zone II if none of the vessels are secured to a  log boom.

(j) During the times this regulation is in effect, only vessels  authorized by the Patrol Commander, other law enforcement agencies or  event sponsors shall be permitted to tow other watercraft or inflatable  devices.

(k) Vessels proceeding in either Zone I or Zone II  during the hours this regulation is in effect shall do so only at  speeds which will create minimum wake, seven (07) miles per hour or  less.

This maximum speed may be reduced at the discretion of the Patrol Commander.

(l) Upon completion of the daily racing activities, all vessels leaving  either Zone I or Zone II shall proceed at speeds of seven (07) miles per  hour or less. The maximum speed may be reduced at the discretion of the  Patrol Commander.

(m) A succession of sharp, short signals by whistle or horn from vessels  patrolling the areas under the direction of the Patrol Commander shall  serve as signal to stop. Vessels signaled shall stop and shall comply  with the orders of the patrol vessel; failure to do so may result in  expulsion from the area, citation for failure to comply, or both. The  Coast Guard may be assisted by other federal, state and local law  enforcement agencies, as well as official Seafair event craft.

Facing a BUI Charge in Washington State?

Give Us A Call: 206-467-3190

We will not try to "hard sell" you.

Finally, we will not try to “hard sell” you to hire us. We know choosing an attorney is a big decision and one you must make carefully – not under pressure. Because an effective attorney-client relationship requires a lot of communication and trust, we really only want to represent people who feel comfortable with us and have complete confidence in our abilities. If you don't, then you have the right to an attorney that you do feel would be a better fit.

Thank you for taking the time to look through this web site. Please contact us if you would like to meet and further discuss how we may assist you.

Contact US Today

Burg & Lantz is committed to answering your questions about DUI or physical control law in Washington.

We offer a Free Initial Consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today at 206-467-3190 to schedule an appointment.
