CBS News Quotes Attorney Jason Lantz

Posted by Geoffrey Burg | May 15, 2018 | 0 Comments

Jason Lantz, Attorney with the Law Offices of Geoffrey Burg, LLC, was recently quoted in articles by CBS News and ZDNET.  Jason has spent the past few years engaged in intensive litigation regarding Washington State Patrol's new breath test machines, the Draeger Alcotest 9510. 

Jason led a group of attorneys who obtained the source code for the Draeger.  The group hired software engineers who reviewed the code and discovered numerous flaws.  When one of the software engineers revealed flaws at a conference, Draeger threatened to sue and effectively silenced the expert.  However, one software engineer continues to consult and provide expert testimony for trials.  

Jason believes that the Draeger is a deeply flawed machine and has developed strategies to litigate these issues.

About the Author

Geoffrey Burg

Geoffrey Burg is a highly rated criminal defense attorney. Geoff has over 30 years of experience defending people, writing legal publications, and is a regular presenter at continuing legal education seminars. Geoff also lobbies on behalf of WACDL for people accused of crimes and fought for several bills to protect the rights of people accused of crimes.


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